DART, Rideshare Spread News at 87ers Game

DART and RidesShare Delaware were invited by the Delaware 87ers on Feb. 25 to provide a table with transit information at their home game at the Bob Carpenter Center on the University of Delaware Campus. There were several individuals, who visited our table, interested in regular and intercounty bus service, SEPTA Regional Rail, paratransit and RideShare Delaware. This invitation was offered through a trade agreement between DART and the Delaware 87ers from October 2016 to April 2017. DART provided a bus wrap on an intercounty bus between Wilmington and Dover to the Delaware 87ers for advertisement as well as two bus shelters in northern New Castle County. As a result, DART received the opportunity to participate as sponsor of the Delaware 87ers for the 2016-2017 season through advertising and other trade benefits.

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